Our policies and procedures are in place to ensure that everyone involved with the college succeeds.

Our Guiding Principles

Policy is connected to multiple areas of the college and interfaces with students, staff, and faculty. The policy team’s intention is to undertake a transparent, value-based approach to educational policy renewal and as such we have developed some guiding principles to support our work in all areas of the initiative.

The following is an overview of the guiding principles the process aspires to support throughout the Education Policy work at the college.

What does this mean in practice?

  • Asset Based: Start from Strengths: Look at the existing knowledge and skills within the Valemount College community as integral perspectives and important voices in policy development.
  • Inclusive: Value Diversity: Ensure that processes, practices, and decision-making governance include diverse perspectives and points of view
  • Active: Learn by Doing: Engagement and active outreach is an important element to creating robust and inclusive policy. We are committed to seeking out new voices in creating policy and that will require us to reach out and invite stakeholder participation.
  • Connect: Create Meaningful Collaborations: Policy should not be created in a vacuum, nor is it static. Intentional work to create meaningful and genuine collaborations across the college community in developing and renewing education policy is an important principle of the work ahead.
  • Transparent: Share the Learning: Best practices and emerging ways of creating policy need to be documented and shared. Learning processes include changing or adjusting ways of working when issues arise. Being open to sharing learning and recommending best practices is a commitment of this initiative.
  • Relationship Based: Connect with Meaning: The work undertaken on this initiative will be done with transparency and open dialogue between the college and the Valemount community.
  • Support the Student Experience: Creating an exceptional student experience is a core anchor for the work that faculty, staff, and services look to provide at Valemount College. Education policy is an integral part of supporting an exceptional student experience.


Valemount College Definitions


Section 1: Privacy

Section 2: Education/Academics

Section 3: Student Services

Section 4: Emergency Preparedness

Valemount College Emergency Preparedness Procedure and Response Manual

Section 5: Appendices

Valemount College Policy Appendices

All of our programs have been reviewed and approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) of the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training. Should you have any questions regarding our policies and procedures, please contact us.